>>37424785I've been seeing fakes and leaks since gen 3 so I have experience telling them apart and being correct in all my guesses except when I'm bored and deliberately choose to be part of the delusional who believe fake leaks to rise the cake of shame before the actual shitty artists comes out. It's actually all a matter of feel and paying attention to the trends of the past, in this case this feels ok, some could say it looks to much like zigzagoon and they wouldn't be wrong but you could also say that linoone is just an anorexic seinen interpretation of furret. Ever since gen 6 the art direction of Sugimori has payed attention to fans and has been introducing more straightforward/minimalistic but charismatic designs due to the complaints and his own concern about gen 4 and 5 pokemon feeling overdesigned compared to their predecessors, following this trend you get Bunnelby in gen 6 and now a gen 8 ground/electric early mammal in the shape of a goofy and kawaii mole with discreet thunder-like stripes on it's body. To sum up: this is real, what more can you expect from the unevolved form of an early game small mammal pokemon? A rocket launcher?