Why aren't you playing yet? Its (hopefully) everything you wish Pokémon was!
>Download for Windows, Mac, Linux, Androidpokemmo.eu/downloads>Uses ROMs to dodge Nintendo's hammerhttps://vimm.net/vault/?p=list&search=pokemon&submitButton=SearchWhy play?
>Competent AI adds challenge to your gameplay>Levels are capped per badge to ensure battles are balanced, EXP isn't lost>Follower Pokémon>You can challenge other players to duels>You can spectate other players' battles>It's an MMO, shiny values are not damaged by external cheat devices, making some extremely rare and valuable.>IVs and EVs add actual value to a Pokemon>EVs/IVs are visible in a Pokemon's summary window>Smogon Tier system, OU, UU, NU, LC, Dubs, Trips, Rot., 4 player Contests>PvP automated matchmaking for quick and easy duels>Ranked PvP ladder>Breeding is important to creating a competitive team >Competitive Pokemon are worth more money.>Official PvP tourneys/catching comps with shiny prizes>Holiday events with exclusive prizes>Tons of user ran events>Vanilla regions to relive childhood>Kanto, Hoenn, Unova, and soon Sinnoh>Freely switch between the three regions after your first 4th badge>Battle Frontier can be played co-op>4 player Contests (Gen 3 Contests)>In-game Market and Global Trade System>Pokédex contains useful information, such as learnsets and egg groups>Fair degree of Player Customization, including attire based on other franchises>'Ocarinas' that act as a reusable HM that doesn't need a Pokemon; Collect em all and cast aside your HM Slaves>Gen 7 Learnsets/Stats/Abilities as long as they exist in Gen 5>All Pokémon can learn their event moves from any gen if they have one>Gen 6+ weather changes>BW seasons, also changing every month in Kanto and Hoenn, not just UnovaFAQ
>https://pastebin.com/3VPVgK1GUseful Links/Mods/Themes/Whatever
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