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I remember doing Emerald end game when I was 8 or 9 and I spent close to 4 hours trying to capture Groudon and when I finally got that son of a bitch I felt like I had really achieved something, and all the legendaries in Emerald were like that. When I went back and replayed recently it was easier ofc because I'm not a kid anymore but theres stil some actual difficulty in the game, which makes legendaries feel legendary.
LGBT and the 3ds games have abandoned any semblance of difficulty which makes every game feel less and less rewarding like I'm some junkie trying to get back my first hit. But were not the target audience and I understand that, but i feel bad for kids getting into pokemon now because it's too easy and back in RSE getting through the e4 as a kid really meant something, as opposed to today where they hand you a legendary and send you off to rape some level 50s.