Quoted By:
>statistically you have 3% chance to have 31 EV in a given stat
>~20 pokes for stat until getting the perfect mon in a single stat
>breeding a 6 stat mon requires 2 3 stat parents requiring 2 2stat grandparents and 2 1stat; 2stats require 2 onestat parents
>every generation requires multiple breedings until stat go right way, bicycle marks are getting Mariana trench deep
>finally you get a perfect mon
>bad nature
And so on and so on.
Alternatively you have won the golden ticket and found a 1/1073741824 mon.
The bans are good.
>Autists get banned (which is good)
>Hackers get banned (which is good)
>2 people on earth are just unlucky (because, frankly, chinks and nigs don't count)