>>35080105>>35080107I like your idea, but my game would have simplified survival mechanics.
> Only your playable character has to worry about survival, your Pokemon are always fine.> 3 meters, Hunger, Thirst, and Health. Hunger and Thirst slowly deplete, and if they ever empty, your Health goes down. It can also go down if you're in inhospitable environments without appropriate following Pokemon, Tonics, or Clothes, or get attacked by wild Pokemon. If the Health meter empties, you're airlifted to the last visited town, and incur a cash penalty.> You also have a Stamina gauge shamelessly ripped from BotW. It allows you to run and swim and climb.> You also have an overall Weight Limit that prevents you from simply surviving infinitely off of purchased items.> You can increase your Weight Limit and Stamina by performing Feats, which are accomplished by doing things like capturing so many Pokemon, performing sidequests, or going through the story. They essentially double as the game's achievements.> You can purchase items like Food Rations, Water Bottles, and Medical Kits to manage your survival gauges. You can also gain items like a Water Filter or learn skills like Scavenging to extend your supplies in the wild.> Engaging wild Pokemon in battle is reworked. Pokemon appear in the field, and you must be sufficiently close to them to be prompted to press a button and release your Pokemon. Most Pokemon flee (some so fast that they are impossible to catch without a Ride Pokemon), others will charge at you (in which case the button press becomes a game of chicken), while others will attempt to set up defenses like webs or projectile attacks.