TIme to update the tally of lulz.
For long cutscenes without much substance, I'll put all the screenshots in this folder and only post interesting ones to the thread.
Decisions are made via GETs - singlets only count when I call for specific numbers, dubs override singlets, trips override dubs and can cause thread-long rules, and quads+ override trips and can give permanent rules within reason (no nuzlockes/monotypes)
Also, it should be noted that I'll name things/make teams myself if you guys take extremely long to suggest things. At least one thread died prematurely because of this.
Current GET rules:
>Any Pokémon based off of endangered animals (namely ones killed for the black market) are unreleasable to raise awareness of China and their lack of morality.>Unevolved sandshrews are still banned from use, though.