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I have two stories.
>Be me
>Be a wee'er little chap
>Be playing Fire Red
>Looking for Chansey in the Safari Zone
>Run into shiny male Nidoran
>Doesn't catch on the first ball
>Throw a rock
>Throw another rock
>Proud owner of a shiny blue transgender Nidoking
>Be in college now
>No 3ds because fuck Jewtendo, I'd only play Pokemon
>Roommate is a Nintenyearold
>Get's Y for himself
>Get's X for me to play because he's a goddamn bro
>Start the game
>Immediately hate it
>Pick my starter
>Derpnut the Chespin
>First battle against shit tier rival
>Go Derpnut
>Why are there stars or whatever the fuck
>Shiny Chespin
>Shiny Starter
>Fucking Overgrow
I only played until he was level 22 before I quite the game because it wasn't fun. If I cave and get ORAS, I'll transfer him over. Until then, he rests in the PC 5ever.