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I'll do three at once;
> Karrablast & Flapple
> Karrablast often mistake sleeping Flapple as a source of food, and will bite into their wings, Flapple's retaliation is often quick and ferocious and scare off most Karrablast. Some Karrablast are however known to break off parts of the wings and adorn them as armour mimicking their evolution, Escavalier.
> Hippowdon & Magcargo
> The extreme heat where these two Pokemon are known to interact is considered inhospitable for humans, their mere proximity has been known to cause Fire Tornadoes and they often do not get along due to discomfort from each other, Hippowdon's have been witnessed even attempting to bury Magcargos in deep sand sometimes assisted by Trapinch and Vibrava.
> Durant & Poliwag
> A strange interaction was identified in the Kalos Region where these Pokemon live in close proximity, the more swamp-ish terrain makes it difficult for the Durant to build their nests, so Poliwags will often appear to drain the water making the terrain drier for the Durants, in exchange the Durants provide food for the Poliwags thanks to their incredible jaw strength being able to crush tree branches with fruit and berries. Both Pokemon are also sighted working together to ward off Heatmors who're known to use their fire to leave Poliwag territories dry and uninhabitable.