>>23059116Route 2
There was a small variety of different comments about changing various things on route 2. In general route 2 was found to be satisfactory and only some small things are going to change. The changes made will be:
> All 1 tile wide stairs will be widened to 2 tile wide stairs.> This http://i.imgur.com/KWFYsbN.png Quaver Town
For a variety of reasons Quaver Town was found to be entirely unsatisfactory. The position of the ice waterfall and the gym were awkward. The entire town was incredibly barren and overly large. The frozen lake was poorly executed. The list goes on. However, most importantly people overwhelmingly found that it simply did not live up to the potential of its concept or the standard of our other towns. As a result of this no edits to the current one were found to be satisfactory and the map will be completely redone. Failing any of these being accepted we can of course stick with an altered version of the existing Quaver Town.