>>51411820I'm a genwunner who's been playing since the literal 90s, overall it's sovl and I love the vast majority of gen 1 pokes and meta, but there are still a few shitmons in there that serve absolutely no purpose in battle, for world building, as cutemons/mascots, or anything else that I wouldn't mind being Mandela'd out such as
>Horsea/Seadra>Goldeen/Seaking>Venonat/Venomoth>Mr. Mime>Lickitung kinda (sushi-go-round arguably redeems him)Also I will forever scream from the rooftops that GF overcorrected the alleged psychic problem with all the gen 2 changes. It's not psychic's fault that GF biffed the ghost/psychic type interaction and put literally no bug moves in the game for Scyther or Pinsir to use. Imagine Scyther with a bug-type Slash equivalent. Eat shit, Alakazam, Exeggutor, and every psychic without 'Mew' in it's name. That's all it would have taken. But noooo, we needed fucking Dizzy Punch, Waterfall, Razor Wind, Egg Bomb, Pay Day and Psywave in the game because... we just did okay??!