Everybody strokes one way or the other, so check out my message to you. As a matter of fact, I don't let nothing hold you back, if the Champman can do it, so can you. Everybody's saying that the Champman struggles but doesn't ever struggle when he strokes. But what you don't know I'm gonna tell you right now, that the struggle and the stroke are the same thing to you, I'm the Champman. Where's the Champman? Call new Champman.
Why should we be pleasing for the Showderp anon heathens who would try to make new memesets if they could? The state of the conditions insult my intuitions and it only makes memes crazy and my dick like wood. Everybody strokes one way or the other, so check out my message to you. As a matter of fact, don't let nothing hold you back, if the Champman suggests it, anon, so can you, I'm the Champman.
plug.dj/showderp_1Current Champman: !JLco7mNFDQ
Meme on, brother, meme on.