>>50840676Gardefaggot's Beach Date (2/2)
She held the claw out to him. “Gardev?”, She said, mockingly offering it to him. He of course turned it down, and she promptly resumed eating it...as if she really needed to wait for his response. Still in disbelief, the human asked her if the Kingler meat really did taste good. When she jokingly offered it to him, he could hardly even stand the smell. He heard a single word inserted into his brain, an emphatic “delicious”.
He continued walking with her, watching her. Watching her spot more things to eat. Thankfully, it was mostly seaweed, but she would occasionally find Pokemon bodyparts. At one point, she found an Omastar arm. It made her gasp, which was a rare kind of reaction from her. She was normally so composed. Once again, she offered him the food, but this time it wasn’t done mockingly.
“Gar de voir gar voir gard garde??”
“Are you sure you don’t want any”, she asked. He realized his disgust must have seemed as strange to her as her enjoyment seemed to him.
The more the human watched her eat beach stuff, the more desensitized he became. He thought about what beach walks must be like for her species. She didn’t just get to enjoy the sight of the ocean, the sound of the waves, and the feeling of the sand beneath her feet. She also got to enjoy the assortment of tasty snacks which had washed up on shore. It must have been wonderful for her.
It was weird. She had endeared herself to him by eating seaweed and Pokemon bodyparts she found laying around in the sand.
She sure was an interesting animal.