>>56911261So just 2 Pokémon with 4 end evo’s?
I’ve been playing around with it a bunch and it’s a balance between not getting the evo you need and getting 2 2nd stages in your opening hand and having your two mid stages as the bottom two cards of the deck.
Also, the rng in the game gives you moms you only have one of more sometimes. I can’t say for certain if having 2 lilligant in my deck actually means I’ll draw it more, most likely the game will put it in my opening hand as a “fuck you” (esp if I only have 1 petlil) but then a pokeball will save me, with 2 petlil it will put both on the bottom with the pokeballs or some other shit.
Here is my actual Venusaur deck I’ve been using, pretty sure I meant to edit an xspeed in somehow tho.