>>57386975Probopass is always an underrated pic. With that bulk, it's fairly easy to live a suprise ground/fighting type move and there are always great times to use rock STAB even with low offense.
>>57381422Very conservative picks for a champs clause run. Kinda what the whole challenge is all about. And then there's Alakazam lol. Nice team.
>>57331631Hack was fun, but got distracted by Peglin for a few days and when I went back to the nuzlocke generator, everything was wiped. Took it as a sign to get back on my nuzlocke series. So far Emerald is pretty fun. Got a whole slew of Grass types so maybe Wallace won't be that bad. Whole slew of Poochyena which makes my uninspired name theme obvious. Think I might let Teal hang in the back as I can always use a Treecko for AS and XD is pretty cool. Torn between using Shuffle for most of the game especially to handle Wattson, or bringing it back in only at the E4 so I can do Spore+Leech Seen shenanigans. Might bust out my Gyarados encounter out for Flannery.