>>53919932No one should doubt that Dawn could win the Ashbowl. The real question is if Ash could win the Dawnbowl.
Dawn just beat her mother's friend and won her third ribbon. It turns out that in Sinnoh at least, one can get up to four ribbons in one year and then complete the circuit in a later year. This did not seem to be the case in Hoenn, as May lamented having to restart her ribbon collecting if she missed the Pacifidlog Contest. Ignoring the fact that it's most likely that the writers just changed the rules to fit what they were trying to do, that does lessen the number of Contests held in a given year from the ~1200 estimated given how many Coordinators compete in the Grand Festival every year. Still, even if it's one-third, that's still a Contest per day on average, so Mr. Sukizo and Mr. Contesta are still grinding.
Math time! Dawn's sixth contest happens 94 episodes in. May's was 104 episodes in, and Serena's was the Master Class at 112 episodes into XY. This is Serena's last appearance in the math game. Though I will also mention that May and Serena outpace Dawn in one important number stat: May evolves her Wurmple into Silcoon in episode 24 of AG, while Serena evolves Fenniken into Braixen in episode 64 of XY. Dawn has yet to evolve a Pokemon. Presumably her Swinub will be the first.