>>50918478Here's my idea for Janine.
I removed Venomoth because she already has a bug, and it gives her less overlap with her father’s team in the Johto games. Also got rid of repeating pokemon.
Gengar is here because it fits the ninja theme well, I feel. Its not really used much by poison trainers in the mainline games, and although two other major trainers already use it in Janine’s games (Morty and Karen) I still like it here for its ‘trickster’ attitude. Ghost typing goes well with a ninja who has invisible walls in her gym.
Victreebel is for ground coverage, probably not the best moveset possible on this thing but sleep powder goes well with the whole status affliction and tricky moves Janine and Koga have going on. I also feel it fits her well, although I can’t really explain why to be honest.
Apart from the new additions I just tried to give her a better moveset. Moveset has HGSS more in mind than GSC. I think the overall difficulty is fair considering she can only ever be fought in the postgame.
For a rematch team I’d replace Victreebel with Roserade and give her a Drapion too.