>>364436741/5 Fairies, the one I like is the only one in the series that I like
4/5 Ghosts
3/5 Psychic
2/5 Ice
5/5 Fighting, gotta love Toxicroak
>>364439524/5 Poison, not a big fan of Vileplume
4/5 Ground, never really cared for normal Marowak
3/5 Water
5/5 Bugs, though I wonder how many people don't have Volcarona if bug is one of their favorite types
3/5 Fightings, never liked Medicham much and Bewear is just ridiculous
>>364440523/5 Psychics, not a fan of Beeheyem and Solrock, Chimecho is cute.
1/5 Normals
Now those Poisons are 4.5/5, I like Muk but I prefer the Alolan version
3.5/5 on Rock, I've always had mixed feelings for Shlomopass
3/5 Steels, I will never like Pikachu clones aside from Mimikyu, though does he count?
>>36445087I like everything except Trubbish, Ledian, Poliwrath and Medicham