>>31468575>>31468647I've headcanon'd for a bit now that in older eras of the pokemon-world, a trainer having six pokemon on hand and keeping them under control would be some kind of fucking warlord or quasi-god-king. In otherwords: it didn't really happen.
Instead even the best tended to keep maybe three at a time and a majority of 'trainers' only had one pokemon (thus, where the concept of 'partner' pokemon comes from in-universe) and humans would fight alongside their partners.
>tfw your a human in steel armor with a grass-mon and you both come across a blaziken and his trainer who lit himself on fire>>31468575For less autistic headcanons I've come up with:
>Couples in the Pokemon universe will often adopt and care for a rare/endangered or rescued pokemon together>it's great community service and is a wonderful litmus test to see how well a couple will last with the pressures of big commitments and prepare them for parenthood.