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This is exactly what the post in this picture says, translated word for word. Took me fucking forever because nobody seems to have to link to the original tieba/baidu/whatever post and the resolution is bad enough that I misread a fuckton of words.
>Everyone knows this time the chinese translation will have Chinese people involved. An insider uncle too careless might accidentally leak out pieces of news, even though it seems to be mostly contained in an inner circle, but it does come out at times. Here we're supplying some information, but we can't guarantee it's all true.
>Earlier, its was mentioned that Sun/Moon have no skill buildings (gyms), because the plot of the game is to build a new league, Alola has no Pokemon league, therefore there aren't any gyms, the plot will involve the professor helping the player build the league.
>The gym leaders of this game are 'captains', the Four Heavenly Kings (elite 4) is the chief/king of every island, once the league is built they will be the Elite 4.
>The new bangles will allow power ups, they will carry the diamonds in the logos, there are many of them which need to be collected like mega stones, some logo diamonds will also change the Pokemon's appearance, Ash's frog is an example of this.
>New riding mechanics allow basically any pokemon to be ridden.
>There are many unmarked places on the map called districts, in these districts there are/ is a/many powerful pokemon, called overlords.
>A few new pokemon news, there is a fire+poison lizard, a rock puppey that becomes a werewolf, a new mushroom pokemon, a snowman pokemon, a rugby monkey, sea cucumber pokemon, a dohlpin pokemon, the imperial three (starter) final forms are a bow assasin, wrestler and a supernatural sea witch royal.
>Earlier, the business registered leaked Marshadow is a new fantastical monster, which has a very unique typing.
>For now, that' s all the news that is known.