>the fucking infernoThis game was not playtested.
Straight up, there are multiple battles and moments in this game where the game just stops working. Eggs breaking opponent teams? Fine, that's an easy oversight. Multiple mandatory plot battles that you need to get through to continue, or sections that broke because the faggot just HAD to make certain fights or sections more obnoxious, like the shitty tower defense ambush?
That goes beyond shitcode. I do think it's actually malicious on some level, just telling you you're wasting your fucking time.
And sure, it's an easy fix for me, since I know how to open and use debug. That's not the point. If you couldn't be assed to play your own fucking game to make sure it worked, then that should signify to everyone on the planet to not play your game either.
You couldn't even put the most basic amount of fucking care into the thing you created.
>final verdictI don't know how I'd rank this. I guess better than the Demice/Moto shit, I guess? But not outside of their tier, it's still a 1/10.
I'm probably going to keep repeating myself every time we play one of these kaizoshitfests, it's the same thing every time. You can see well designed 'difficult' fangames. Desolation, Reborn itself, Odyssey, Clover, etc. Sure, they're not the most ballbreakingly hard things ever, but they don't need to be because they aim on some level to be enjoyable.
Kaizomods are not. Their audience is either retards or masochists. They don't and will never have any reason to exist.
This could have been fine had it just been toned down, and given more playtesting. But that wasn't the goal and I'm angry that time was spent making this and playing it, and I'm even angrier I'm directing this nuclear level of seethe at a minor mod that'll probably get forgotten about instead of the retards who are indirectly responsible for it like Demice or Moto.
Fucking hell