>>20975951"As if he even understood what he wanted? Nah he's just an edgy wannabe faggot looking for attention." you declare upon getting up. You offer Anna a hand, "Now, let's get coffee! My treat!"
Your quirky justification for mass homicide brings a small smile to her face, but it reminds her of something, she grows a wee bit hesitant to take you up on your offer, "O-Oh gosh, th-that sounds nice and all, Calem! I mean, noone'severtakenmeoutforcoffeebefore, b-but I'm a little worried about somebody."
>'..Somebody?'"Worried? Aboooout...?"
Anna finds that her eyes are admiring her shoes again, "W-Well, um, y-you're probably going to laugh.. b-but with all the Basculin raids recently, I just want to get a quick peek and make sure they're okay.. Y-YoucancometooifyouwantmaybeIguess, I-I can explain on the way, t-then afterward we can go...f-for coffee together?"
>What do you say next?