>>35866071Not competitive in pokemon or in life
>>35866044Rebel, doesnt care about the rules, or cant read
>>35865644Suppressed pedophilic urges/desires
>>35865354Failed normie, probably has a job, has or has had a gf, works out occasionally but not really /fit/
>>35864913Smokes weed, likes animals enough to tell people "I like animals", owns a ps4
>>35864894Smelly/hairy, dislikes popular things because theyre popular
>>35864883likes men
>>35864855Cant admit when hes wrong, likes pokemon
>>35864752Gay but
in denial>>35864682Lost his virginity to an emo girl, alternatively may be an emo girl or a trap
>>35864587is actually very sad, I hope you are ok anon
>>35863575Has some /d/ fetish like vore or something
>>35863459submissive, and doesnt like that about himself
>>35863403was abused by an older male relative