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This Pokédex is for a region based on the Canadian Maritimes, Acadi Like Alola, Acadi is split into four areas, represented by background color in the 'dex: Red (New Brunswick), Russet (Prince Edward Island), Blue (Nova Scotia), and Green (Cape Breton Island). There's some overlap in the actual regional 'dexes, but the color here shows the first area a given Pokémon can be found in.
The Acadi region includes regional variants as in Alola, including:
- Krabby and Kingler (Water/Bug, based on invasive green crabs)
- Teddiursa and Ursaring (Normal and Normal/Bug, based on honey-eating black bears. Locally referred to as Winniursa and Ursasting.)
- Wailord (Water/Flying, based on humpback whales. Locally referred to as Rorsquall.)
- Bellsprout, Weepinbell and Victreebel (Grass/Fairy, based on the provincial flower of PEI, the pink lady's-slipper.)
- Spearow and Fearow (Dark/Flying, based on the banded kingfisher and great blue heron, respectively.)
The Acadi region also includes simple color variants that have the same statistics as the rest of their species. These include purple-flowered Flabébé, Floette and Florges (based on New Brunswick's provincial flower, the purple violet); net ball Voltorb and dive ball Electrode (which float on water and lure in prey); blue Fletchling, Fletchinder and Talonflame (based on PEI's provincial bird, the blue jay); and blue Cherubi and white Cherim (based on Nova Scotia's provincial fruit, wild blueberry, and flower, mayflower).
The Acadi region's main legendary Pokémon are Regigigas and the Regi trio, who represent the mythical Mik'maq giant, Glooscap, and his three relatives, who made the region suitable for human life. Acadian Regigigas has the Adaptability ability instead of its usual Slow Start. The region also is home to the lake guardian trio, who live in the numerous lakes on the east coast, and are tied in some way to Celebi, the guardian of the forests.