>>16974130Fucking hell man, if that was me in your position then I would have been splitting skulls
>2 years ago was preparing to move from my parents place with a few days to spare>head up to the attic to clear junk>find my old gameboy with a few games including Blue along with gamecube>sit up there for a while going through it all then reaching Pokemon>remember my very first team and give them a look over>just as I remembered when I first played>last thing my gran gave to me before she passed away, what made me into the fan I am today>always felt valuable to me so I kept it safe, probably why it stayed in the attic from harm>had gold too which I kept next to blue for organisation, valued as well but not as much >take box down into my room and place it on bed with door closed>early morning so I left to meet some people I had plans with later>feeling good>come back home late afternoon, box was gone>ohshitwhereisit>ask mum where it was>"oh, I gave it away while you were out, I thought you were throwing them out">pissed as fuck and demand where she gave them away>she doesn't remember and tells me to not get mad over a few old gadgets>majorly pissed at this point, tell her to go fuck herself and that i'm glad to be moving after saying it was the last thing my gran gave to me>no sort of remorse or care about it>pack up my shit quicker to move out as fast as possible>arranged moving people to come earlier and would willingly pay more>try and find out where they went, no luck and gave up trying