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One might question the tastefulness of having Croagunk hit Brock with a Poison Jab as a gag, after an entire episode dedicated to Brock tending to sick Pokemon who were hit by a Tentacruel's Poison Jab. But whatever. It's Pokemon, and Brock's too horny to die.
I was always fine kind of being the third wheel in AG and DP, because after about 650 episodes of a character being in a longrunning show, what more can you do with him? Unfortunately, they mostly kept him as the occasional voice of reason and the guy who gets Hidden Finger Jutsu'd as a gag. The episodes that did focus on him, like Doc Brock, showed off a bit of potential. I would've liked to see Brock training as a doctor in some one-off specials during BW, or even a short YouTube thing where he goes around as a Pokemon doctor solving cases, ala Black Jack. My impression is that his cameos in SM and MPM did not really do that side of him justice. Thankfully with Horizons, Mollie seems to be giving a bit of that vibe as the Volteccer's medical mercenary.