>>35640613>>35640836>>35640848>>35640882>>35640957>>35641001Here's your non-meme answer to IVs.
A 100% IV 'mon is around 1-3% better than a 50% one.
That's it. 1-3%. Here's a few things that matter a lot more than IVs ever will, in order of importance:
>level>moveset>speciesYou absolutely can and should catch wild high-level mediocreIVmons and use them. You can just power them up twice and instantly compensate for whatever IVs they had, and this will have SAVED you stardust and candy compared to busting a nut powering up a lvl13 95%. And you'll actually have that pokemon here and now. While you're doing that, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from just keeping a living pokedex of very high IV unevolved, lowlvl pokemon for when you get to the late 30s and start giving a damn about that 2%.
Because remember: Most people in this thread already are at their late 30s, that's why there's so much hubbub about IVs. Either that or they just got fucking memed on.
And if you listen to them, you'll end up doing dumb shit like trashing a F R E E lvl35 machop just because it had 12atk (and you don't even have 6 lvl30 fightan pokemon yet). Or wasting unfathomable amounts of stardust powering up a fucking shitmon because it was 92.2%.
So, as long-winded as I can put this:
Evolve what you need. Power up what you need. Keep highIVs stored in a box at the corner of your collection. When you're level 35, open that box and live with no regrets in your mind.