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Quick question that I would like all anons to give a serious response...why are you doing the NNN?
Asking because i am curious and I'm participating too. Problem is, that i am 30yo,i would like to avoid prostate cancer, and I've read that the only problem with masturbation is when it becomes compulsive/takes away the joy of your other routine activities,otherwise you would literally have no reason to not masturbate,even if it's once or twice everyday.
I've read so many things pros and cons about both sides that,i honestly don't know what to believe.
Currently I'm doing NNN for the sole purpose of self control testing (i literally have a 5,5k+ plus pictures of pokegirls with big (.)-(.) on my phone and i still didn't opened the folder), plus to see if i was dependent on dopamine release,since prior to November,i was masturbating 3 times a day, everyday for 2 weeks straight.
(I also partially believe that challenge's born on the internet are fucking stupid like the bucket one for cancer funding raising,and porn addiction doesn't exist, it's all about your own free will)