For anyone who cares
(no one)I was listening to this : I started the thread.
I could definitely theme my hypothetical gym after a very stereotypical 80's workout video.
Everyone in spandex. Cardio bunnies in leg warmers and rocking the off-the-shoulder Flashdance sweatshirt.
It'd have to be Fighting type, and there would definitely be Pokemon lifting weights and being all tuff and such.
The team would probably consist of Machoke, Hitmonchan, Sawk, and Thoh.
And to top it off, I'd have to be disturbingly- but vaguely homoerotic. Which I probably already am, but I'd have to crank it up to 11. Just tons of dialogue about toned, firm bodies and male bonding.
I'd be laughed at for my theme and wearing too much spandex, but my taste in music is still killer so there.