>mfw this thread>>13616270>>13616319Not all of them are shiny, but they all have good natures and IVs so none of them are useless, I think.
>>13616440The server is staying up all (euro) night that's a given. So at least half of American time and then it's back tomorrow at the same hour as today. :3
>>13616699They're on the list just like any other mon, they just look exactly like you had them through legit means, or via trading with someone who did.
>>13617062I use PokeGen, shinyGTS, and pokécheck. Also bulbapedia and smogon help obviously.
>>13617428>MightyenaOkay why not.
>>13617540Should I make a few minutes of trio only?
>>13617979>>13618410>dem gifscheers
>>13618099Well you're lucky, cuz that Aron is already on the list.
>>13618326b-but none of them are shit
>>13618574>>13618644Ah I should probably make one.
>>13619054It's easy really, everything you need to know is online, shinyGTS has a randomized folder sending option.