>>57386319It's not the phone graphics or anything, it's just the fact that the animation literally plays for like a second or two and that matters if you're like 10 seconds left into your turn.
I've had the most hilarious thing happen to my opponent where he put Palkia on the bench, leafed his Articuno out, brought Palkia in, and meticulously fucking Vaporeon'd the water energies off Articuno and Vaporeon onto Palkia so he could oneshot me. But all the individual fucking animations took so long (especially since every single fucking water transfer takes time to do) that by the time the final energy was placed his turn fucking ENDED. So he was starting at me, fully charged, about to one-shot me, and got cucked by forced game animations.
It's an actual problem lol. They shouldn't have the countdown ticking down while animations are up. Or they should at the very least give you a 5 second buffer to end your turn if you just triggered an action.