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Gen I:
Was my first team, and they helped me get through some Nintendo event in California back in the day. I got through both preliminary matches - struggling with Mewtwos, LUIGI-owned/ hacked Mews, and Starmies - and came out on top, but my name wasn't pulled to fight the staff champion's Cloyster, Raichu, and Rhydon for an authentic pokemon hat. At least I got the badges and a picture taken with the giant pikachu card...
Then Gen II came out, and I had my Scyther become a Scizor, plus it turned out when I transferred my Cloyster, it was a shiny. I've kept the same team through the years (aspiring for a shiny Cloyster every chance I get, through wild gold shellder encounters or breeding), only changing their moves/ abilities every generation to balance the team. They've done me good so far; I win some and lose some.