>>49157734ORAS > BDSP
You wouldn't think that's a hot take based on the review scores (both for critics and users), but I've seen the shills here not only defending them but claiming they're the best because they're "faithful" in how fucking shitty and soulless they are.
Even when you consider controversial stuff like Megas, no Battle Frontier, and the Delta Episode ORAS is still leaps and bounds ahead of the remakes that came after it.
>Good visual aesthetics>Complete National Dex>PSS, Super Training, Amie (effects optional)>DexNav>Soaring>Actual Secret Bases>Normal catching mechanics and abilities (unlike LGPE)>OPTIONAL EXP SHAREIf Pokemon is gonna keep pumping out remakes, then I hope they actually try and innovate next time instead of settling for a lazy rehash that's actually regressive in terms of game mechanics.