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Littlemon Team #5 to beat AS E4+Champion
>littlemons, no potions, level caps, usual restrictions
>starts with Sidney, has to be deathless all the way through
I got trading to work and I got some Pokemon from Y.
Pancham got 12 kills, including 4/6 of Sidney's team and Glacia's whole team. Iron Fist + Drain Punch is a nice combo. Everyone on the team had important things to do of course.
Shell Armor Shelmet with Rocky Helmet and Acid Armor + Recover is a dick strategy for the opponent, I'll admit that lol.
I have lots of good Pokemon in the storage. I just need to figure out how to create a good team out of them.
I was grinding and leveling up Happiny
>Happiny used Metronome
>Metronome turned into Fling
>bye Lucky Egg
So I guess that can happen lol
It would be fun to use a random team with Moody Pokemon and Metronome and Acupressure
>"If we don't know what we are doing, the enemy certainly can't anticipate our future actions"