>>40503669>They could have done it if they weren't retarded.Not without cutting back massively elsewhere. Pokemon is by no means the only franchise that adopted a more linear gameplay style due to RAM limitations on 3DS. Super Mario 3D Land was also designed this way because of the systems RAM.
But feel free to call every 3DS dev retarded then I guess.
Also notice how Mario, Zelda and Pokemon ALL went more open the moment the Switch happened? There's a reason it's so fucking consistent. The 3DS hardware fucking sucked shit.
>Fucking Xenoblade runs on 3DS (albeit it's the N3DS) and I can bet my ass that Xenoblade's titans' areas are going to be bigger than Sword and Shield's Wild Area (which is goint to be only one)That's specifically a port made solely to make the point of what the New 3DS can do, and one of the main points of the New 3DS was more RAM. It also looks like fucking shit visually, no major 3DS game would get away with some of the visuals issues that game has. You have to be aware that it's not representative of what actual games developed with the hardware in mind would be like, especially stuff like Pokemon or Mario that has to actually look nice in stills too.