>>29392134I saw someone describing that type of thing on the #pret IRC a while ago. I don't remember who it was, but they were going to implement a system like that for Crystal so time-based events could be played on emulators without real-time-clock emulation and on flashcarts.
They were going to change the required ticks needed to increment the clock by one minute. In vanilla Crystal time moves every 3600 ticks (60 ticks per second * 60 seconds). If you wanted a 24 hour time period to pass in one hour, you would make it move at 150 ticks per minute, two hour days would be 300 ticks, etc. You'd have to make the same type of system as a normal day-night system, but with a much faster progression than 3600 ticks per minute (I think GBA is 60FPS, at least), and have it only progress when the game is turned on, instead of using some kind of battery or that the emulator simulates by comparing the differences in your computer's clock since the game was last played to progress the in-game counter.
Other, more hacky things I could think of would be basing it on the save timer that counts how many hours you've been playing, or doing what
>>29392569 does.
This is all just me speculating, I could be wrong and these could be terrible ideas, or good ideas that I've explained terribly.