>>23139427>>23139691>>23139734The strange figure looked towards each of the ones in sight, his position just under the temple over hang keeping him out of the line of sight of most onlookers. "So Lorenz herself, what a delightful surprise..." The man's expression showed no fear, just a look of eager anticipation as the dark energy around him seemed to spread even further, a chill wind surrounding them all as the skies themselves seemed to darken.
The shadowy figures would soon be in full view a strange cracking sound as if thunder from a far distance echoing as the holes in reality slammed shut, revealing an array of strange monsters, machines, and things that couldn't even be defined. To make matters even worse the still corpses they had passed would slowly rise to their feet, an inhuman gurgling groan coming from their throats as they turned towards them, a still holding the weapons they owned in life.
"Let us begin then."
He'd order causing three of the machine like figures to suddenly fire a small wave of energy around them as a trio of lizards began crawling closer to them everything else mostly hanging back either preparing targets or something worse.
>Auto Confuse x2 Lucario and 1 Metagross