>>33402903Well guys, it's been a hell of a ride, but my White 2 Challenge Mode Nuzlocke is finally over.
Chauntal, Grimsley, and Caitlin were all easily swept by Battle Axe. A Dragon Dancing Haxorus is no joke. With Light Screen support from Chakram, and Intimidate support from Fang, setting up was no problem. Then came Marshall, who threw it all away by countering half of the Dancing with Bulldoze, and pulling off a Critical High-Jump Kick. Battle Axe was down, but Chakram picked up the slack, and it was off to fight Iris with 5 teammates in tow.With a Light Screen and Ice Beam combo, Hydreigon was no threat for Chakram. Cleaver did his part weakening the coming Lapras, but by terrible luck in getting Paralyzed by Thunder on the switch-in, then frozen by Blizzard the next turn, it was clear that his victory was not meant to be. Ending with a solid Leaf Blade, Lapras was brought down to red before killing our little bug. Two Rock Slides later, though, and PowerDrill had avenged him. Aggron was out next, who fell to a single Earthquake. Druddigon took some shenanigans, but was ultimately downed by the group efforts of Fang and PowerDrill while it was locked into Outrage. Now it was time for Haxorous. Opening with Outrage, the weakened PowerDrill stood no chance, and the mantle was passed to Fang. With intimidate her ally, she managed to get Haxorous down below half before succumbing at last. But at this point, the battle was won. Chakram finished Haxorous off with an Ice Beam, and Archeops fell to a single Surf. The Nuzlocke has been won.Syringe did fuck all and got carried to championship.