>>17928005Understand what?
The disappointing E3?
>"We're sorry. We didn't know people wanted core games. Please understand."No good Wii U games at launch?
>"We're working on them. Please understand."Like 2 good Wii U games a whole year later?
>"We didn't know how long these games would take. Please understand."The complete flop of the Wii U?
>"We didn't know that the casual market moved on to tablets. Please understand."The server crash and burn of Pokebank?
>"We didn't expect a bunch of people to buy one of the most popular game series ever, on the most commercialized Holiday. Please understand."The complete, deliberate exclusion of Bank to the west?
>"We're trying to prepare for the eventual release. Please understand."Well, you know what. The only thing I "understand" is that the whole company is run by incompetent, dusty old men who don't know how the industry works, ostracizes an INCREDIBLY loyal audience, and thinks they can skate by on providing an overpriced, mediocre product because "muh nintendo experience." Fuck you Nintendo. If you have any sense, then you'll liquidate your entire upper management. They're running the company into the ground with their archaic beliefs and terrible ideas and practices.
Yes, I mad. Fuck you too, nigger. You should be mad too. Or do you like waiting a fucking month for a heavily advertised service?