FireRed-898 corrupted a Savefiles with two hoirs of progress, taking a break. When GenV was coming out, I considered myself too old for Pokemon. I have never actually been to Unova or Johto.
Chose Black because it had the most attractive picture on the box, chose Snivy because Emboar is... and Samurott's facial hair is a turn-off.
Got lucky, and all the route 1 encounters were male.
Luck ended at Route 2, where I unfortunately found a Lillup, which I took only to use the duplicate clause on later Lillups. In the Dreamyard, I rejected the Panpour because I hate monkeys. Hopefully, I find a Patrat in the Dreamyard, so I can get something I want on Route 3.
On the first turn of the Chili fight, I accidentally had Lady Lilith V.Whip the communal Lillup while it set-up with Work-up. Lillup went to stage 2 attack before biting Lilith for a bit over a fourth of her health, then next turn he went to Stage 3 for some reason, Lilith went to stage 4 and killed him with her serperior speed next turn, and leveled up mid fight. Pansear came out, got hit with a tackle for half his hp, and then tried to set-up with Work-up and died accomplishing less than the communal Lillup. Thank you, game, for teaching me grass beats ass.
>>56539315>Going by your thirst pick choice of names for your Waifumons I'm guessing Terra is named after Terra StrongNo, just a woman's name that sounds like Terror. I might name a Rattata after Terra Strong, she has a face that evokes negative stereotypes against her people.