Another quick update, even though there's not much to report. Mainly just posting to bump the thread.
I think The Blob will be the tentative 6th member of the team, even though we already have two poison-types. He's the only one who can actually use poison moves. And while I'm able to add a Magneton, I'm opting not to to save that line for games where Magnezone is on the table. Gonna grind up and go through Pokemon Mansion once I'm comfortable.
>>48600830I have no idea what game this is and I can't offer any meaningful commentary, so I'll just pop in to say cool team
>>48600383IMO, it's kosher, especially if you're playing a difficult romhack or have a harder self-imposed challenge. You can play however you want, but it will be a big advantage and like
>>48600830said, you usually won't need it and can just use common sense.