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Hey anons I’m hurting for apriballs, in particular heavy balls at the moment but will consider other offers, wondering if anyone would be interested in trading some for some shinies I’ve caught. I’d do 2 balls per aprishiny and one ball for the shop ball ones if anyone’s interested
Aprishinies: level armarogue, level falinks, level pyroar, friend zweilous, moon kingambit, dream slowpoke, level slither wing, heavy revavroom, dream eevee, dream stunky, heavy pawniard, heavy orthworm, heavy rookidee, moon braviary, friend masquerain, lure magikarp
Shop ball: too many to list feel free to ask, most are either in matching balls or lux/premier. Some highlights are feebas, a most certainly genned fuecoco, a couple flutter manes, girafarig, and gastly
Not much stuff from the new dlc besides an exeggcute in a standard pokeball