>>54745421>But its not a contradiction. If I murder someone, and say "murder is wrong", I may be a hypocrite, but my statement's truth value doesnt changeThe problem is that it's blatant retardation that shoots their "they actually might have a point and people consider it" angle in the fucking foot. They're BLATANT about not believing the shit they preach, and that clashes fucking horribly with what the story WANTS you to believe about them as they exist in relation to the people on Unova. They don't let up on this, either, going as far as having Plasma grunts blatantly say they don't give a shit about dissenting opinions and having Ghetsis do a blatant fuck up about his ultimately selfish intentions later in the game simply because they don't trust their audience to get the fact that they're in the wrong.
No one takes PETA seriously BECAUSE they're a bunch of hypocritical fucks who's actions blatantly contradict their moto, dipshit. You likening them to PETA just makes it all the more retarded that they even tried to pretend that this was a potential moral dilemma to anyone in the overly sweet and saccharine Pokemon world.