>OPELUCID CITYN waves his arms as if he were a prophet, "Calm down my friends! The Legend Badge merely cries for the liberation of our Pokemon!"
Hilda sighs, "Figures. Fucking faggot can't go five freaking seconds without getting hit stupid ass into trouble. He acts JUST LIKE YOU!" she gives Hilbert a light shove.
Hilbert is too focused on the Legend Badge to care, "Whatever, honey. Nate's in trouble, I just know it!"
Iris pouts, "It's a shame too, if he dies, then I'll never know the feeling of fighting him in battle, I'm still miffed about that!"
Drayden places a hand on her shoulder, "Some things just can't be helped, dear. I say we help out the boy, he's been so grateful to us all, everyone, CHEER NOW!"
Colress merely looks on from a bush, a grimace plastered on his face.