Opened with the bird again to see what a Fly did to her Cofagrigus. It did about 60%, her Psychic did ~40%. Went for another one and took it out.
Out comes the Chandelure, and I try my luck with Alomomola again rather than risk taking a Fire Blast with Excadrill or a Shadow Ball with Gothitelle.
Her Shadow Ball does a bit under half, my Waterfall almost takes her out. I get a burn from her ability.
Switch out into Lilligant, she uses a Full Restore. My Sleep Powder hits, I heal up Alomo (I fuck up and do it over two turns rather than use a Full Restore). I Quiver Dance, thinking it will let me survive a Fire Blast and reapply sleep. The Fire Blast crits, and down goes my Lilligant.
I go back into Alomo, Toxic + Protect, Waterfall, forget about contact burn, and die to it. Two Pokemon down.
My Gothorita 2-shots her Jellicent. I switch in Unfezant against her Golurk, she Curses it. I switch in Chandelure to whiff the forced Brick Break, and finish it off with a Shadow Ball.
Well, I played like shit and got punished for it. My plan against Grimsley was to open with Lilligant, Sleep Powder and set up the sweep with Excadrill. Now I'll have to try something else.