Weirdest Fantasies (or things you've actually done) you've lived out on Pokemon
Marioipod13 !!VK5RQYuo7rr No.53740658 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I've done and though about some really weird shit inspired by Pokemon to he honest...
- One time when I was 12, I booted up Sapphire solely to look at the beach near Slateport City. I feel asleep that day and had a fun dream about a beach day. In the dream I ended up seeing myself as a girl in a bathing suit (very May-like for that matter) despite being male in real life. Ever since then I have dreamed of myself as a young girl regularly.
-- My love for May has almost inspired me to get gender reassignment surgery multiple times.
- One time in Platinum, I farmed Heart Scales solely to teach my Giratina the move... DragonBreath. Why did I do this?!
- Pokemon inspired me to become anti-copyright.
- I once grabbed an Eevee plushie out of a Walmart bin and cuddled it. This was the day before my 19th birthday.
- The loss of my red Gyarados that my best friend traded me actually caused me to have to go to the psychiatrist once.