"Jynx isn't racist"
He's trying so hard to make the point that Jynx is clearly a fictional character who isn't "evil" but they are doomed to fail to these woketards, but the average centrists and right wing retard will never be able to understand why they keep failing. They keep trying to go with these "le rational argument".
"racism" is just a slur/reality manipulating word. The word racism HAS no definition, the only thing consistent is a word of shame, a word to build a narrative around. Haven't you fags read 1984? It basically revolves around the power of inventing words to do just this. As a former communist, I'm aware that its the strongest power of the left. Look at pic related, we do a good job inventing these words to create whatever reality we want. Maybe one day, someone will say "Gardevoir is anti-littlex" and someone will say "no, Gardevoir isn't anti-littlex, clearly the creator had no intention of traumatizing introjects with age progressive images"