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What's your Pokémon origin story? How did you get started?
>Moved back from India (expats) to UK in 1999, everyone constantly talking about Bogeymon.
>Don't know what it is.
>Poor and lonely.
>Start watching pakoman on SMTV live because I'm in love with Cat Deely and it fits in with watching Beast Wars which is the GOAT.
>Everyone's fighting about Pokémon cards at school. I can't afford any. A friend takes pity and gives me a few cards. I treasure them. We sometimes play for 'keeps' on the playground. It gets banned because of gambling or fights or something.
>My friend says he's stuck on Red (he's around SS Anne) and the game is shit.
>Really want to be popular (I'm 10) so I say I'll complete it for him if he lends me his Gameboy for a week. Then he can battle people.
>He agrees.
>Buy a weird bootleg game guide from cornershop with pocket money.
>Restart his game and thrash through it over a few days. Playing at night, light on b/c Gameboy a shit. Steal batteries from around the house to keep playing.
>Fucking hooked.
>Give Gameboy back and he asks why his Charizard is a Blastoise now.
>Say I traded it with someone.
>Literally daydream about Pokémon for 6 months. Play the last few imagination games of my life pretending I run a pokemon farm out in the woods. When I go swimming I imagine dewgongs and starmies around me.
>Broke family can't afford a Gameboy also don't want me playing too much Vidya after my Red Alert addiction.
>When I turned 11 my rich friend gave me his Gameboy Color because he got an Advance.
>Hide it from family and play silver in back of car and hiding away on holidays.
Best of days.