I fucking love this big dumb boy
Also I'm sorry for the sheer density of posts but I wanna get everyone.
>>39819123You were that one kid who picked Squirtle when everyone else picked Charmander.
>>39819135You really like money.
>>39819139Really likes comfy things. Feels best when wrapped up in a blanket on a cold night.
>>39819161You're the kinda guy who sees shapes and things in clouds.
>>39819189You've got an unbreakable everything. Spirit, will, whatever.
>>39819222You're indecisive, but at least you give every Pokemon a chance.
>>39819238Furfag but with a hint of Discord
>>39819243A genuinely friendly, albeit a tad childish, person.
>>39819252Edgy furfag/a trickster.
>>39819258The epitome of chill. You probably love gardening.
>>39819277You like eating expensive meals.
>>39819316Silly, but you're not a bad person by any means.
>>39819348You're the kind of guy who would protect those you love. Either that or you like knights.
>>39819363You're not a bad person by any means, but you're kinda edgy.
>>39819397You sleep more than you're awake.
>>39819414You look like a menacing person, but you're actually really sweet.
>>39819424You genuinely like Charizard because it's been with you since the beginning, not because it's popular.
>>39819428You probably want to fuck Froslass. You like cold things.
>>39819447Y'know, I dunno what to say about you. You like running?
>>39819449OK you're a fucking Chad through and through.
>>39819457You too.
>>39819460You're probably a punk. Or you really like pandas.
>>39819462You really like summer and you live near water.
>>39819482You're always happy to help out someone in need. Or you really want the knot.
>>39819486I was originally gonna say you love making friends but now I'm not so sure.
>>39819612You enjoy riding on airplanes/want to pilot one.
>>39819624You have an eye for big, bulky things. Also you like Jasmine.
>>39819747FUCK character limit