>>23481471>P-Ogre>252+ Atk Primal Groudon Precipice Blades vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Primal Kyogre: 301-355 (88 - 103.8%) -- 25% chance to OHKOPoint taken, but you're still dealing with the roll, and Preciple Blades accuracy, and even then Kyogre outspeeds and kills.
>MegaManceYour calc forgot intimidate.
>-1 252+ Atk Primal Groudon Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Mega Salamence: 164-194 (41.6 - 49.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKODon has to run Dragon Pulse to beat a Mance, otherwise Mance will setup all over their ass. Let that sink in for just how well Mance handles Don. Don is giving up an entire moveslot for one Pokemon.