>>44750121Meanwhile, in shovelware released over 13 years ago...
>actually uses the battle system to its limit>consistent artstyle throughout, even despite using literal, actual N64 models for a select few characters>More Pokemon than base SWSH in total>released on the fucking Wii>>44750132Watch the Webm
>>44750138>She honestly believes the Y-Comm is better than the PSS?Why is this board full of people criticizing games they haven't played? You would have this excuse if it were still E3 2019 but the game is out now. The entire system is reliant on fucking stamps that don't update properly to the point where joining a Max Raid Battle that isn't full is a fucking chore.
Not only did the PSS let you interact and distinguish friends, but it separated randoms with people you interacted with in the past and completely streamlined the online system in a way that kept it completely immersive for the singleplayer experience. SWSH acts like it tries to do this but it actually does it in the most cryptic way possible, and on a paid online service at that.
Thanks for outing yourself as having never played XY OR SWSH, retard.